Website Terms of Use
This Terms of Use page is easily found through highly visible links on every page of this website. Be advised that by visiting this website, ConsumerReportsCenter.Com, you hereby agree to the following terms:
You agree not to copy any content on this site for other than personal use, and only for use on your personal computer, without a certified email from me that gives you explicit permission to use specific content for a specific website or publication. You also agree not to scrape or copy any portion of the content of this website, or to show any portion of this website in frames on another site.
Media outlets may, of course, quote this website per the Fair Use Doctrine, and I appreciate being included in your articles. Journalists or other bloggers quoting this website in context of a larger article may also do so under Fair Use.
However, slimy, spammy wanna-be sites that use other people’s content to avoid doing the work themselves are not covered under this doctrine – you know who you are. Go to if you need help understanding this.
If you scrape or frame or otherwise exploit content from this website, without documented proof that I have sent you a certified email authorizing you to use that content, you may get one friendly reminder to remove the content from your site. Or you may not. It depends on what you have stolen, and how easy it is to find your contact information.
Should you continue to fail to respect this website’s copyright, a DMCA takedown notice will be filed with Google and your ISP host. And then you won’t have a website.
Should you decide to disregard this notice and steal content from this website anyway, you hereby agree to adjudicate any claims that arise due to your use/misuse of my text, images, video, audio, or any other content that I own, in a court of law in the State of Texas, County of Williamson.
You agree that your ISP hosting provider may accept service for a copyright violation lawsuit on your behalf if you are located outside the United States, and you agree to abide by the Williamson County court’s decision should such a case be litigated.
In other words, if you want to use content from this website, just ask. If I agree, which is highly likely for all legitimate requests, I’ll send you a certified email saying so.
And if you’re a content scraper/hotlinker/ignorant plagiarizer, you may get one warning, or you may not.
If you’re a webmaster or a blogger who is tired of thieves stealing your hard work, this is the one page that you may feel free to copy and use. Just replace my site name with yours, and turn off search engine indexing (use Yoast’s ‘Meta Robots’ plugin for that). No credit required.
Attention Ehow and Ehow Spark Users
By visiting this website, you hereby agree not to post, clip, pin, upload, or copy any of the content in any manner to, or any Demand Media owned or Demand Media associated website.
Use of the content from this website on is expressly forbidden, and at no time have we given or will we give permission to anyone to use any portion of our content in any manner on or any Demand Media owned or associated website or publication.
Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these terms. Please be aware that not only do we vigorously enforce our copyrights, but eHow’s terms of use hold you legally and financially responsible for any claims that arise from your use of their site, including any actions that eHow takes in respect to the content.
Check back often, especially if you plan to scrape this website, because I reserve the right to change these terms at any time.